Family Preservation: The Church Must Engage

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”   Matthew 11:28-30 ESV

We all experience struggle in the day to day labor of life.  We do ourselves a disservice when we deny it.   Jesus clearly tells us that our Creator desires to give us rest in the midst of heavy burdens of life.    Jon Bloom ( says, Unique to anyone else in human history, Jesus simply offers himself as the universal solution to all that burdens us.” 

The church is uniquely equipped to bring this soul refreshing message to vulnerable families.  

What is Family Preservation? 

When parents struggle, often children are neglected and abused, resulting in children being removed from the family unit.  This separation creates more trauma for the children and parents.  Family Preservation is providing the right structures, resources, and safety measures for both children and parents with the goal of keeping the family unit intact.

Why the Church Must Engage 

Scripture teaches us that we have an enemy who steals, kills, and destroys (John 10:10).  This destruction is aimed strategically at families.  The church must step into the battle to help bring rest and restoration to the embattled families in our communities.  

Kentucky has approximately  6,500 churches.  Kentucky also has  9,122 children who live in foster families or group homes.  Imagine if each church chose to step into the brokenness of just a few of these real life struggles, bringing the spiritual and physical resources of the body of Christ into the fight to preserve families.

What keeps us from engaging?  This work is often messy and complicated.  We are hesitant to step out of our comfortable places to build relationships that can feel draining or overwhelming.  Yet, Jesus . . .stepped out of the glory and comfort of heaven to meet us in this broken and messy world. Those of us who have experienced his mercy and redemption have now been called to step into the fragmented and dejected spaces in our communities - pointing people to the one who can bring true rest for their souls.

How to Engage 

Orphan Care Alliance is here to help your church serve the vulnerable children and families in your community. OCA can coach church leadership or individuals. Please contact us at for resources and tools to help you engage in Family Preservation.


Advocating for your Child’s Needs at School


Restoring Hope for Vulnerable Families